8 Popular Types of Golf Tournaments Explained

There are a thousand types of golf tournaments. To go through an exhaustive list would mean keeping you here all day. That’s not what we’re looking to do. Instead we’re going to walk you through some of the most common types of golf tournaments. These formats are what you’ll play as part of a charity […]
6 Types of Grass Used on Golf Courses

At your house, you deal with “good” grass, crab grass, weeds, and that’s pretty much it. At golf courses, we get more technical—and we should. Half the battle in creating a good golf course is knowing what you have, how to care for it, and how to add to what’s already there. For a golfer […]
Five Ways To Get Ready For Golf Season

It’s pretty much accepted in the larger world that the Masters marks the unofficial start to the golf year. The weather in the northern reaches of the U.S. is finally trending toward the friendly side, the first men’s major on the calendar gets folks fired up (especially when a Tiger Woods wins), the days are […]